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How to Paint Alla Prima

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Translated directly from Italian, alla prima means ‘at once’ and it refers to the method of painting in one application and without retouching, otherwise known as ‘direct painting’. If you want to paint alla prima all you need is to make sure you finish the painting you are working on before the paint dries – this could take one or more sittings, though purists will maintain one is plenty.
Beyond this definition there is scope for interpretation. For example, some say that retouching is fi ne as long as the paint is wet, others say in painting alla prima every stroke must count and not be later reworked; most agree that it is acceptable to scrape off sections you are unhappy with and re-work them. You can make of it what you will and for many this is a favourite method because it allows for spontaneity and freshness.
In its modern form, painting alla prima was pioneered by the 16th century Flemish artist, Frans Hals. It contrasted with the common and extremely laborious practice of using under-paintings and layering work up gradually. In truth, his direct methods have been used since ancient times and are very instinctive. Due to its immediacy, painting alla prima lends itself to plein air painting, oil sketching and preliminary studies
Work on a toned canvas or support
Painting on a white surface can be distracting, not to mention intimidating. Furthermore, it won’t matter so much if you leave parts of the canvas showing through. Choose a mid-tone colour or neutral – my personal favourite is to paint on a greyish pink tone.
Plan your colours
Have the colours you want to use ready and try to use a restricted palette. Map out the locations of large masses of colour with your brush, a light pencil or charcoal, and be careful with the latter that it does not muddy your paint colour. Remember the aim of this is to paint in one layer. Although painting alla prima is instinctive to some degree, it is difficult to achieve a good result without some planning....

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